To achieve success what you need is organization of mind, positive thinking, positive doing & attitude.

Organization is the key.

  • Plan your day with lot’s of time, so that you will rarely suffer that breathless, rushed feeling. Disappointments, lateness and tenseness can be easily avoided if you apply the idea of a little bit more time for each activity.
  • Just plan and organize your time to meet the requirements of any given activity.
  • Start each day fresh. If you manage to organize your mind, you will organize and manage your live itself. The world we live in, the universe, everything is moved in an organized way.
  • Organizing our mind implies heading toward one goal.
  • Organization is basically a question of systematization. The fastest, most efficient, easiest and best way of doing anything including thinking, is the organized way. Organized thinking means controlling thought reactions properly.
There are three (3) categories of thinking:

-Thinking in the past, is remembering.
-Thinking in the present, is problem solving.
-Thinking in the future, is anticipating.
  • Effective thinking is an art, and needs constant practice.
  • When we think, we are talking to ourselves. Think creatively. People who become large successes are those who create new ideas.
  • Without mistakes there is no learning.
  • Learn, also, to listen attentively.
  • Listen well and you will be able to talk better.
  • Read good books in order to enlarge your vocabulary and exercise your thinking.
  • The way you think is what controls your looks, actions and words.
  • Your overall personality is shaped by your general knowledge and awareness of the world around you.

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